This Is What You Should Say to a Narcissist – But They Don’t Want To Hear It

Because although these are true statements, they are not what the narcissist wants to hear. These statements do not line up well with the fake persona that the narcissist has created. So, this would be a major insult, especially to the covert narcissist.

The fourth phrase the narcissist does not want to hear is that they need to stop talking about themselves so much.

Narcissists cannot help talking about themselves because that is all they really want to talk about. But because they are extremists, they would prefer to stop talking to you all together than to consider the truth of that statement and be more considerate. So, expect silent treatments or them ignoring  you after you’ve made such a statement. 

Another phrase the narcissist most certainly does not want to hear is ‘You do not control me, or You do not own me.

Narcissists are all about control, so any statements along those lines are in direct opposition to what the narcissist wants. Because they show how much they want to control you by how they try to monopolize your time and your energy. They show it with their sense of entitlement, where they expect that you should just do what they want. It is also in their irate response when you tell them ‘No’  and how they disrespect your boundaries. But they will never admit to it and would rather accuse you of what they are guilty of. They are always quick to accuse others of being controlling when they are the ones who want control. 

The sixth phrase a narcissist most certainly does not want to hear is ‘You were wrong or that you disagree with them’.

Narcissists want to believe that they are always right, so being told that they did or said something wrong will be viewed as an attack. Narcissists also cannot handle when someone challenges an opinion of theirs. They are not open to criticism, especially from people they believe to be beneath them. But the truth of the matter is that the narcissist will definitely take offense at anyone who decides to point out their flaws. 

The last phrase that I want to touch on today that a narcissist does not want to hear is ‘I do not care.”

How The Narcissist Knows They Have Lost You

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