Narcissists Don’t have Real Friends | They’ve Enablers

They do not care about the nature of their relationship with the so-called ‘friends.’ They always want more members to join their mini cult because the bigger the group, the higher the chances of acquiring collective supply from them. They want everybody to know that the narcissist is amazing at socializing; they have great social skills; everybody thinks they are great. This is used later to further isolate you because they have so many friends, and every friend thinks that they are amazing; the narcissist is the kindest, the most helpful person ever. They will never believe you if you go to them and tell them what the narcissist has done to you. They’ll call you crazy; they’ll say the same thing because they think the same way. So, if it is just about connecting more members to the cult, gaining access to their lives, and bringing more people to their side, regardless of what they actually think about the narcissist and how deep the relationship is, how can they have any genuine friends? It’s all minions who copy each other and who are extremely insecure in themselves.

Reason number three: A narcissist has to move on from their friendships constantly because their ways get exposed.

The narcissist’s main role in this mini cult is to keep exploiting these individuals, to keep preying on their insecurities, their weaknesses, and majorly, to keep gaslighting them, to keep them under the impression that they are in the company of the greatest human known to mankind, they are with an individual who is better than them, and with their support, they can look better, they can become better. They future fake a lot; they make promises they never intend to fulfill, and so on. But eventually, they recognize the reality of this toxic individual, and they call their bluff. They know it’s all about the facade they put on, and as they find this out, it gets uglier for the narcissist because they can’t maintain the same kind of control they had established in the beginning. So, what do they do as a result? They move on; they keep replacing these friendships as well. And you will hear the same story from them if asked, ‘Why did you do this?’ ‘Oh, this happened and that happened.’ Essentially, these minions also go through a similar cycle of love bombing, idealization, grooming, in this context, then devaluation, abuse, and finally, the discard, which looks like abandonment in this situation.

Reason number four: Narcissists want everybody, including these friends, to be loyal to them.

Six Actions That Instantly Trigger a Narcissist

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