Covert Narcissists Always Do These 6 Things (Empaths Beware)

The thing about coverts is that they are not directly aggressive like other forms of narcissism. They are usually quieter and do not get physically or verbally aggressive. They will engage in passive-aggressive behavior. Many covert narcissists do not take the time to get to know you. They see this as a way of telling you they do not care about you. They won’t come out and directly say they are uninterested and hurt your feelings, but it gives them pleasure in knowing that you care more than they do. Another way they engage in passive-aggressive behavior is they won’t stand up for people negatively talking about friends or family. They will sit back and allow the situation to happen. When questioned why they didn’t stick up for them, they will usually reply with phrases like, “I’m not getting involved,” or, “I didn’t know you wanted me to say something.” Things like that are some of covert narcissists’ favorite catchphrases. They will also start a fight, maybe not directly, but through manipulation tactics, on somebody else’s birthday when attention isn’t centered on them. This can be a normal occurrence, and when the other person confronts them, the covert narcissist will become depressed and turn their attention away from the confrontation. Another thing covert narcissists always do to be passive-aggressive is forget important events and dates on purpose. They see these dates and events that are so important to someone else as something bigger and better than them, and they do not like that. So rather than just pretending like they did not hear the person, they will acknowledge it, then when time gets closer to the event, they will make it a big deal that they forgot. They want the other person to feel less important and hurt.

Number 5: Impolite body language.

Most people think of narcissists as verbally and sometimes physically aggressive when pushed enough, but that is not always the case. Covert narcissists can engage in impolite body behavior. This can tie into passive-aggressive behavior. They make gestures such as yawning when someone is telling a story about themselves when they are clearly not tired. They yawn to show that their story is irrelevant to them. The other person is not important enough to stay alert for. Most people want someone to listen and look at them while they tell a story, and yawning always indicates uninterested behavior. Covert narcissists roll their eyes too when they hear something that annoys them. If they do not agree with what someone says, instead of discussing what they don’t like or just moving on, they roll their eyes to indicate their true feelings. Another way coverts tell others they do not care about them is turning away and focusing on another task when someone is talking. It is usually polite to stop what you are doing and give them your full attention to show them you care and listen. Coverts will want the person to know that they could be doing something else more important than sitting and listening to someone else talk. It creates a sense of power in the conversation. It can get the other person to stop talking so it can allow the covert narcissist to start talking about themselves.

How to Beat a Narcissist at Their Own Game | Story time

Number 6: They say these common catchphrases.

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