Why Your Narcissistic Husband Doesn’t Want s£x.

In this aticle, I’m discussing the many reasons why your narcissistic husband may no longer want s£x.

Narcissists are love avoidants to their core.  This can be confusing when you consider what goes on in the love bombing stage, but I assure you it’s true. 

Narcissistic people struggle with genuine emotional intimacy, which naturally can affect their desire for physical intimacy. 

That said, emotional unavailability is just one reason why your narcissistic husband doesn’t want s£x. 

Number one: fear of emotional intimacy.

Narcissists are love-avoidant to their core, which can be confusing when you consider what goes on in the love bombing stage. But I assure you, it’s true. They struggle big time with genuine emotional intimacy, which naturally can affect their desire for physical intimacy. So they may not want to have s£x because they can’t connect with you on a deep emotional level. They are fundamentally and constitutionally incapable of going there with you. They quite literally do not have the emotional capacity to do so. So it’s important to remember that this isn’t your fault. Believe it or not, it’s not about you. It’s a characteristic of their personality pattern, their untreated mental health condition.

Top 5 Reasons Narcissists REJECT Us S.e.xually

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