When A Narcissist Turns People Against You, This Is What You Should Do That You Never Think About

Your actions have revealed the true nature of some of your relationships. It is essential to gauge whether those individuals who were swayed so quickly were genuine friends or merely acquaintances. For anyone who has experienced the pain of being a victim of flying monkeys, the advice I always offer is to approach the situation with grace.

Narcissists are skilled at manipulating people, and they are adept at preying on individuals’ vulnerable spots. In these circumstances, it’s critical to be gracious towards those who may have allowed themselves to be misled. Instead of denying rumors, the best approach is to be empathic towards the person and acknowledge the experience of being subjected to this sort of negativity.

You could tell them that you’re sorry that they were put in such a terrible situation and express the hope that they know you well enough to understand that the lies don’t represent who you are. Perhaps even encourage them to reach out to you directly in the future and assure them that you’re always available to listen. In doing so, you can take something that has caused you pain and use it as an opportunity to demonstrate your best qualities and your willingness to support others.

To disempower a narcissist’s darkness, you must bring in the light. Narcissistic individuals are primarily driven by their insecurity, which leads them to treat others like pawns on a chessboard, moving them around to win the game. When they try to spread malicious gossip about you to turn people against you, it’s all part of their game of chess. They seek to win as many people over to their side as possible, turning it into a vicious game of tactics to outsmart you.

However, you don’t have to let them win. It is possible that the narcissistic person in your life may share personal information about your relationship with others inappropriately, including betraying trust and sharing sensitive information that you perhaps shouldn’t have shared with them. It is a devastating thought that they might use family secrets to hurt you, as these are things you shared in private with the understanding that they would be kept confidential.

In such cases, you must attempt to fix the rupture in the best way possible. If you did share things that were inappropriate, take responsibility for that and do your best to make amends. Seeking therapy during this challenging time can help you deal with the gaslighting, which can be destabilizing and confusing. It is essential to remember that you have support systems in place, and you should seek out anyone in your world who has your back.

Narcissistic personality disorder

Eight Things Narcissists Envy The Most About You

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