10 Reasons Why Narcissists Avoid $EX With Their Partner

Top 5 Reasons Narcissists REJECT Us S.e.xually

3. Narcissists don’t invest in building intimacy with their partners.

Narcissists might avoid s*e*x with their partners because they don’t see it as a means to connect emotionally or build intimacy. Instead, they may view it as another way to satisfy their desires without truly engaging on a deeper level. Dr. Craig Mulin, a renowned psychologist, talks about this. He says narcissists often struggle with intimacy avoidant narcissism, where they avoid true emotional intimacy to protect their fragile self-esteem. Narcissists can maintain control and avoid potential vulnerability by not engaging in intimate moments with their partners.

4. Narcissists detach slowly from their partners after exploiting them.

After narcissists exploit their partners for their own needs, they might distance themselves emotionally to protect themselves from getting too close or reliant on someone else. One way of doing this is constantly avoiding s*e*x with their partners. The detachment process can be slow because the narcissist may not want to cut ties abruptly. They might still enjoy the benefits of the relationship, like companionship or support, but without investing emotionally. So narcissists gradually distance themselves, often making their partner feel confused, hurt, and used.

5. Narcissists’ s*e*xual preferences change from time to time.

One possible reason for narcissists avoiding s*e*x with their partners is the ever-changing nature of their s*e*xual preferences. Narcissists tend to be thrill-seekers and often get bored quite quickly. So what might turn them on today might not do the trick tomorrow. This fickleness can make it challenging for them to maintain consistent interest in their partners s*e*xually. A renowned psychologist, Dr. Emily Miller, who specializes in relationships and narcissism, says narcissists’ fluctuating s*e*xual preferences stem from their constant craving for novelty and excitement. Narcissists may seek new partners or engage in s*e*xual fantasies to feed their ego and stimulate their desires.

13 Signs You’re Having S*x With a Narcissist

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