Has The Narcissist Forgotten About You

As a result, the whole cycle of smearing you starts again because whenever the narcissist cannot get what they want from someone, tearing them down is their petty and insecure response. The narcissist’s smear campaign is ruthless. Their aim is to damage your reputation. Their aim is to turn others against you. They want you to be shunned and even abandoned. If they can make you lose everything and everyone as a result of their lies.

So, even when the narcissist stops their smear campaign and gives you a time-out, never forget what they did or tried to do to you because they will be back sooner or later trying to ease their way back into your life. And it is never a good idea to reconcile with someone who was willing to spread lies about you. It is never a good idea to reconcile with someone who was willing to frame you and get you locked up if they could. It is never a good idea to think that someone like this will never try to hurt you again. In this video of whether you should forgive a narcissist, I made it clear that although forgiveness is about moving on from the hurt and not holding grudges, it definitely does not mean forgetting or reconciling. We cannot give our enemies second and third chances to hurt us again. We cannot put ourselves in harm’s way just hoping for the best. So, no matter how long the narcissist has been absent from your life, time alone cannot change them. And you cannot believe anything they say. You have to continue to protect your sanity and your peace. Always remember that even though it seems the narcissist has finally left you alone, they have not forgotten you. So, if they are given the opportunity to return, they will, and it will not be for the best. No amount of time can change a narcissist, and they are usually filled with excuses as to why you should give them another chance. I have done a few videos like these ones outlining some of the different tactics they use to get back in. But it is important that you do not fall for their tricks and that you remain vigilant. Now I want to hear from you. How long did it take for the narcissist after they have smeared you and gone quiet to try to get back in?

Did the narcissist ever love you?

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