7 Types of People a Narcissist Deeply Hates

They hate vulnerable people, those who can express their emotions, those who are not afraid of being fragile. Vulnerability is what they run away from; they do not want to be perceived as weak, they do not want self-pity. And that is the reason why when you cry, they do not want to do anything with you, they are disgusted by you, they do not want to be associated with you. They feel nausea, sometimes literally, you can see it happening; they just feel so repelled that they just want to go away. They shame you, they put you down, or they say, ‘Be done with your drama already.’ ‘I know your tears are fake, you’re trying to get my attention.’ Slowly, with time, your vulnerability is labeled as oversensitivity. Anytime you express your emotions, you try to connect with them, sit with them, and deal with the issue, you are labeled as crazy. ‘Oh, you know how to exaggerate things, you know how to make a mountain out of a molehill, you know how to make me feel guilty.’ ‘Your only job is to criticize me, no matter what I do for you, you’ll always find fault.’ This is what you get to hear, and slowly you start thinking that maybe I am crazy for feeling all these things. And what happens next? You learn to dissociate from your emotions; you numb yourself out, you silence yourself, you stop expressing yourself. Anytime there’s a problem in a relationship, you automatically assume that you must have done something wrong, and that is how a major disconnection is created within your identity. I call it identity paralysis; this is the disintegration that happens inside a survivor’s brain.

  1. They hate creative people.

Last one, they hate creative people because they can only imitate, not create. They can only steal, not feel. Creativity, in my opinion, is the highest expression of divinity in a human being, and it takes a connection with self for you to be creative, for you to give birth to something that has never been created before, never known before, never seen before, never heard before, never felt before. It is one of a kind, and that is anti-narcissism. Narcissists are fake; they only know how to take away, they only know how to mirror you, they only know how to copy your likes and dislikes and make them their own. When you express your creativity, they feel unpredictability. Unpredictability is a narcissist’s kryptonite; they do not know how to gauge it, how to approach it, how to control it. It can go in any direction; it can turn into anything, and that makes them feel really anxious, they panic. And what do they do out of it? They try to steal it, they try to manipulate you into trusting them so that you can give your ideas very easily to this exploitative individual so that they can make them their own. Which is unfortunately what happens at a lot of workplaces, in situations where you are involved in some form of a business relationship with a narcissist, or maybe a personal situation. They love to know what’s going on in here, especially when you are creative because they want to squeeze all the juice out and drink it in. But still, because of who they are and how empty they are, it’s never enough.

7 Things That Shock A Narcissist To Their Core

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