6 Things That Will Happen When The Narcissist Decides to Teach You A Lesson

Narcissists will call you out and teach you a lesson using projection or blame-shifting. Any blame you throw on a narcissist is projected back onto you. If they’re upset, they’ll redirect the accusation and blame it on you. When the narcissist begins to lose control and their image of superiority in grandiosity is threatened, they will blame the scapegoat.

Projection is how they reveal who they are and what they are doing. Narcissists expose who they are and what they’re doing through the process of projection. They refer to you as what you are through projection. They accuse you of carrying out their planned action. Narcissists don’t want to cope with uncomfortable emotions, so they will dump it all on you. They project it onto you to avoid having to deal with their shame. When the narcissist projects these things onto you and you don’t take it personally, you’ll be able to recognize, “Nope, that’s not me,” so you’ll be able to laugh about that, you’ll be able to let it go and understand it’s not personal.

Be confident in your abilities, and be firm in claiming your reality, so the narcissist can’t get away with the projection. It’s challenging to be in a relationship with a narcissist. Despite your best efforts, the narcissist sees everything as your fault, and you are to blame for anything that does not go as planned. Every heated argument, conflict, and disagreement is an opportunity for a narcissist to teach you a lesson that will invalidate your feelings and frequently cause you to doubt anything. Every time a narcissist gives you a study, he or she destroys your inner being even more. Do you know a narcissistic person? How do you stand against them?

10 Things Narcissists Want To Do To You In The End

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