5 Ways A Narcissist Will Abandon You Without A Second Thought

Narcissists are parasitical entities. The false self is like a black hole that gobbles up celestial matter that is never to be seen again. Yet, despite this, the black hole never becomes “light”, It just keeps sucking energy into its deep, dark void.

Many a person, as a result of a narcissist, has been emptied out all the way to their demise. It happened to many of us—losing everything—property, finances, businesses, family, friends, reputation, associates, and then, of course, your sanity and almost your life.

When you are broken and emptied out and there is nothing left to take from you, narcissists move on. They have to leave. They need a new source of supply, just like the black hole needs more celestial bodies to keep feeding it.

Heartbreakingly, I know of people who hung on, hoping beyond hope that the narcissist would finally start caring, stop doing the terrible things they did to them, and love them instead.

Narcissists don’t snap out of it; rather, I have heard stories of narcissists being on dating apps while their spouse was in palliative care. Or moving with the kids straight into a home with the new supply while the previous partner and other parent are committed to a mental institution.

If this doesn’t allow us to understand that we are only mere objects to a narcissist, then I really don’t think anything else can.

To narcissists, people, no matter what their capacity, are mere props. Objects to be used to procure narcissistic supply: energy, resources, attention, sex, contacts, acclaim (whatever it is). When that is no longer possible, the narcissist can dump a person (even an entire family and life) and move on, just as an actor would walk off one movie set to begin their career on the next one.

Number 5: When You Have Woken Up To Who They Are

What Happens When YOU Discard The Narcissist

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