5 Things a Narcissist Hopes for When you go No-Contact

5. They hope you never emerge from the suffering they caused.

And the last one is that they hope that you never emerge from the suffering they caused. They want you to be in pain all the time. They want you to keep talking about them; they want you to keep thinking about them. And they can feel it because they have predator’s intuition. They hope that you never find anybody else; rather, they believe that you won’t. Why? Because they think they are the best, and you had the best. Now you are not going to find anybody, and if you end up finding somebody, they will be nowhere in comparison to the narcissist. So it’s your loss.

That’s how delusional they are. It needs no explanation; you know how it works and how they think. But the point is, they are sadists. They are driven by your pain, which means they are more affected by you than you are. This is the reason why they post a lot of pictures on their social media platforms with their new partners, with their children, going to places, and so on, just to make you feel unhappy, just to confuse you further so that you think, “Oh, maybe I was the crazy one. Maybe I did something wrong. See, he or she looks so happy with their new partner and with their children, so I must have messed it up.” That’s exactly what a narcissist wants you to think. That’s why I told you that a narcissist depends on you more than how much you depend on them. Do not look at their social media profiles because they’re getting supply that way. They know you’re doing it somehow. I can’t explain how, but they know it, and they hope that you stay chained forever. Process it, process the grief so that you can accept and finally let go.

10 Worst Responses To A Narcissist’s Games

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