10 Ways to Shut Down a Narcissist’s Emotional Blackmail

Number 8: Make them repeat their words back to you.

If you really want to get under the skin of a narcissist, a good tactic is to make them bounce their words off of you. If you feel like they are hiding behind their words or that what they are saying to you is disrespectful, simply repeat the words right back to them, almost like you are confused at what they said. If you are in a group of people, they will all be alerted to the fact that what the other person said offended you, and then the narcissist will be forced to stand behind their comment. This tactic does a good job of revealing to others the true nature of this toxic individual and may even set off some alarm bells for them. Narcissists also tend to make quick jabs and then back off, so pausing the conversation at that moment will draw more attention to their sneaky ways.

Number 7: Give short but powerful answers.

When people start looking into how to deal with emotional blackmail, they usually don’t expect that things can be resolved so quickly. One of the fastest ways to re-establish power in this kind of situation is by giving short but powerful responses. Saying things like, “I can’t help you,” or “That’s too much,” may not seem like a huge deal, but it’s bound to come as a shock to the person pushing your boundaries. When you start speaking to them with power and confidence, you take away their ability to break you down, and you also send them a message that you won’t back down. What this does is signal to them that their emotional blackmail will have serious consequences, and that you won’t go down without a fight. Narcissists are cowardly by nature, and in most circumstances, this should help scare them off for good.

Number 6: Become uncontrollable.

A big part of the reason why narcissists thrive is that they create chaos in the lives of people who just want peace. Narcissists will often target people who desire peace and quiet just so that they can more easily control them after shaking their life up. As the situation becomes more and more ridiculous, you may just have to become ridiculous with it. Try to fight those urges to fix things and make them okay, and instead give the narcissist back the same energy they have been throwing at you. Don’t humor their threats, and don’t try to reason with them. If you show them that you won’t listen to them and you show that their threats are meaningless to you, you may push them into a corner. When put in uncomfortable situations like this, a narcissist is just as likely to run as they are to try and regain control. By the way, make sure to subscribe if you’ve learned something new today.

13 Phrases Narcissists Hate

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