Why The Narcissist Will Focus On You?

So, all the while you were playing house with the narcissist and even living their lie of a happy family or relationship, they were dragging you through the mud. They were ensuring that the people around you viewed them as the good ones and you as the bad ones. It is that simple. The covert narcissist is obsessed with being seen in a positive light. So, while they are investing in their image, they are also investing in destroying your image.

This is one of the reasons why narcissistic relationships are so dangerous. Because they weave themselves into our lives only to find out things about us that they can later use against us. We also have to remember that narcissists are very envious people, so they will never be satisfied with the idea that others think that you are better than them. So that is why they are very pro-active in breaking down your reputation and you at any chance they get. Narcissists love to be close to those people who have something they want. They are very competitive, and they are prepared to do whatever it takes to get close to you so that they can take you or destroy you.

Narcissists want to be the centre of attention. They want all the love, all the praise, all the adoration for themselves. So, anyone who is close to a narcissist has to be seen as less than the narcissist. That is why no matter how much they smile at you or claim to love or care for you, they still have to ensure that others do not think that you are the better half or that you are better in any way. It’s a sad fact and it has nothing to do with whether the narcissist can control you or not.

The slander, the gossiping, the lies will happen. It just magnifies and becomes more public during their smear campaign. Because in the mind of the narcissist, others have to decrease in order for them to increase. Our authenticity and light need to be tarnished in order for their fake self to be glorified. They want to crush what is genuine and exalt a lie. As I always say, never trust a narcissist. They will smile in your face and stab you in the back. OK, that is it for today. Please remember to like and share this article if you found it helpful.


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