Why does a Narcissist Avoids Eye Contact with You?

Understanding that they do not form attachments makes sense why they would avoid eye contact. Avoiding eye contact is part of their grandiosity. They feel entitled to devalue and discard you, thinking they are doing you a favor just by being there.

One thing to remember is that not all narcissists do this. Some will make eye contact, and you may feel you are looking into pure emptiness or their eyes may look very black, cold, and emotionless. Just because a narcissist made eye contact does not mean they aren’t a narcissist.

In conclusion, they do everything in their capacity to make you feel worthless, and not making eye contact is just one of those things. It’s never your fault. There’s nothing wrong with you; it’s how they are. Let me know how this episode was in the comments below. Thank you so much for tuning in, and I’ll talk with you in the next one. Until then, as always, let the healing begin and continue.

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