Why Do Narcissists Get Married?

Psychological manipulation:

Another reason that narcissists get married is because they need and crave someone they can control. One of the main ways that narcissists gain narcissistic supply is through the psychological manipulation and control that they exert over other people. and their spouses are their number one victim for this purpose. Life to a narcissist is one big psychological game; they enjoy seeing how they can deceive and confuse their spouses, getting them to believe what they want and do what they want, without any real knowledge that the narcissist is doing this to them, right under their noses, the gaslighting, the coercive control, the lies disguised as truth, which result in the victim actually believing the narcissists. possibly even becoming protective of the narcissist or defending the narcissists. This results in the narcissists having deep feelings of satisfaction. To them, it’s evidence of how clever and smart they are—that they can manipulate and deceive people. So proficiently, the victim has no clue they are being manipulated, which gives them a deep sense of satisfaction.

Finally, narcissists marry for their own selfish motives, which are very dissimilar from the usual motives for marriage. Marriage is seen by narcissists as a way to dominate and manipulate their spouse, have a scapegoat spouse to blame for everything that goes wrong, and have a slave that satisfies all of their needs. They married in order to keep up a certain image and guarantee that they would never be alone. They rely on psychological manipulation to keep their partner under control since their weak ego needs continual affirmation. In order to protect yourself against a narcissist’s abusive and controlling conduct in a marriage, it’s critical to be aware of these characteristics and actions.

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