When The Narcissist Realizes They’ve Lost… YOU!

But remember this: all of these lies tend to crumble when they’re brought into the light. Embrace the truth; it will always win out eventually. When things escalate to a smear campaign, the worst part of it all isn’t what the narcissist has to say about you; it’s about who believes their story and, worse, who adopts that story as their own to tell other people. These are people that we call flying monkeys for the narcissist because they go out and do their bidding willingly. It can be really painful to see who those people are. Here’s a comment from someone who understands this well: “Realizing you are surrounded by family and people who do not have your best interest at heart and may even be actively trying to undermine you is a big wakeup call. It seems like a bitter pill, but it’s actually a blessing in disguise.”

So it is a bitter pill, and the blessing is knowing who will stand by your side and who will not. As painful as it may be, I think it’s better to know. And here’s one more with some advice from the comment section: “It’s actually quite simple: walk away. Regardless of your relationship with them, yes, even your narcissistic adult child. It’s a KNIN situation. It’s not easy, but it’s simple.” And I’ll have to add that walking away isn’t best or even possible for everyone. But if you are able to go no contact, that is the fastest way to find peace after a relationship with a narcissist, especially when things escalate to this level.

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