When The Narcissist Realizes They’ve Lost… YOU!

The next thing you might expect after a narcissist loses you may actually happen at any time; it may even happen hours after you’ve walked away. Can you guess what I’m talking about? I’m talking about new supply. But the reason I left this one until now is that I want to talk about when the narcissist starts actually flaunting this new supply, and this doesn’t always happen until they’re sure you’re serious about leaving them.

The narcissist doesn’t go without narcissistic supply for long, but the purpose of flaunting it is to get a reaction out of you. If they can get a reaction out of you, that means they can still pull your emotional strings, and their crown remains intact. Now, I want to share a comment that highlights an interesting perspective on the new supply that we don’t often get to see.

The perspective is that the narcissist doesn’t usually get the happily ever after that they want you to believe they have. So this commenter says, “My ex-narc has a new supply of 4 months after intense love bombing. The fantasy bubble has burst, and he’s already smearing her name with his friends and family. He has taken a 10-day vacation away from her and already hooked up with a secondary source he used to cheat on me with. After returning and feeling the emptiness, he’s trying to hoover her back in because he sees no reason why he should give up the benefits he’s receiving from her until he’s able to find a suitable new replacement.”

Alright, now let’s talk about the unicorn of narcissistic reactions – that ever-brief moment of self-reflection. I know it sounds absurd, but it is possible, and it sometimes happens, especially if you’re dealing with a covert narcissist. The covert narcissist is much more prone to bouts of depression than their grandiose counterparts, and in those low moments when their defenses are down, they may be faced with glimpses of the truth.

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