When a narcissist sees you as being too strong, this is what they’ll do

If you manage to unsettle a narcissist with your own sense of strength, confidence, courage, and personal power, that narcissist will not only try to discredit and slander you in front of others, but they will also seize any chance they can to bring you down a peg or two. If they find a mistake, weakness, failure, or perceived lack, they will be happy to point it out. What’s more, they’ll hold your bad record and other failures over your head to blackmail you. They’ll relish the opportunity to exploit your history against you, and they’ll do so by displaying it proudly on the wall like an antique. No matter how much time has passed, how much you’ve matured, or how much

 you’ve changed, that moment will always be a part of you. They’ll use it as an excuse for just about anything. They will enjoy picking at your weak spots in an effort to make you question your own abilities and value. That is to say, they will intentionally create and increase your feelings of guilt, shame, fear, inadequacy, and insecurity, if only to keep you in line and humbled.

When, in fact, all this craziness stems from their own internalized yet unacknowledged sentiments of inadequacy. It’s hard to believe that people can be this vicious for no other reason than their own fear, guilt, and insecurities have been triggered, unless you’ve been on the receiving end of emotional and psychological abuse. I can guarantee you, however, that such things occur constantly and routinely in the world of narcissistic abuse.

So, what is the way out of this predicament? Safeguard your health and safety. To begin, you should put as much distance as possible between yourself and the narcissist so as to deprive them of their narcissistic supply. Cut and cauterize your way out of the situation if at all possible. After establishing what should be minimal contact, if not complete absence, give yourself time to recover. You need to dedicate yourself to your own healing and rehabilitation in order to not only reclaim your power and rebuild your self-confidence, but also to break the subconscious magnetic connection pattern that is drawing this type of perpetrator into your life.

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