When a narcissist sees you as being too strong, this is what they’ll do

It’s often not understood that narcissists aren’t the type to pursue lowlifes. If a self-destructive narcissist is bothering you, it’s probably because you’re a positive force who others can learn from. You have an exceptional capacity for empathy, and you love deeply and act kindly and well. Moreover, you have a lot going for you. In many ways, you represent the antithesis of the narcissist. You’re also likely quite intelligent and quite successful. You’re the reason for their success. You improve their reputation subtly, and at first, they appreciate it.

Thus, the narcissist will be first drawn to you because of your strength, personal power, and all the other characteristics that make you dynamic. This is because they are constantly looking out for number one, their own self-interest. However, narcissists need to dominate social situations. Furthermore, they need to manufacture and sustain an impression of invincibility, regardless of how illusory it may be.

A destructive narcissist will eventually find your strength and power to be a major source of conflict. Depending on the specifics, it may become immediately apparent, sometimes right away, while other times it takes a while longer to become an obvious problem in the couple’s dynamic. You’ll feel a genuine change in the air when that time comes. Your strength and personal power may cause a covert narcissist to feel fear, envy, and insecurity, but they may be able to keep it a secret for a while. A more overt narcissist can flip from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde in an instant. As a result, they probably won’t be able to keep their triggers and ego wounds hidden for long.

 if and when that changes. When you’re not giving in to their demands, when it’s evident that they’re not in charge, when you refuse to do what they want, or if, heaven forbid, you manage to outshine them somehow or otherwise embarrass them, well, what happens is, whether you recognize it or not, something that actually has nothing to do with you and no influence over it causes a hit to their ego, and sometimes a significant hit. This is not your thing, it is theirs. If they’re unable to manipulate, dominate, or control you, for example, by gaslighting you into submission, humility, or feelings of inferiority, they will not be able to. Then they’ll have to resort to indirect methods of attacking you, which are more subtle and less obvious than their original aggressive approach but can be just as damaging.

Top 5 Reasons Narcissists REJECT Us S.e.xually

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