When A Narcissist Meets A Strong Opponent, This Is What They Do To Break You.

As a last option, the narcissist will target your mental health. From the start, they have criticized you for depreciating yourself, destroying relationships, causing others to treat you differently, and gaslighting. This has been their main concern. These activities are emotionally and physically taxing.

In addition, the narcissist creates a toxic and uncomfortable environment between the two of you. This is due to the fact that narcissists can be pleasant one day and angry, gloomy, and silent the next. The next, they may cease communicating with you, neglect you or even ghost you. Overnight, they turn from being an angel to a devil, seemingly without rhyme or reason. When attempting to avoid offending the narcissist and avoiding conflict with them, it can be emotionally and physically draining.

Narcissists are oblivious to the consequences of their behavior on mothers. However, they also intentionally subject us to a great deal of mental pressure. Stress can affect one’s capacity for clear reasoning. There are physical effects of stress on the body. Stress can weaken your reasoning and decision-making skills, making you more susceptible to being deceived. All of this, however, is part of the narcissist’s plan to weaken and control you. This is a struggle for your psyche.

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