What Narcissists Say To Incriminate You

The narcissist is not willing to own up to the fact that they treat outsiders better than you. They would prefer it if you believed that the problem was you. You are the only one who does not appreciate them. You are the only one who finds fault with them. You are the only one who has a problem with them. So, therefore, the problem must be you, not them.

The fact of the matter is that all these statements are lies. The narcissist is willing to tell you lies to make you feel as if you are the one with the problem. You are the one who needs help. You are the one who needs to lighten up, as nothing they do or say is bad. The narcissist gets a high every time they are able to talk their way out of a tight situation and leave the other person doubting themselves or feeling guilty when they did nothing wrong.

I guess the best response would be either to laugh at the narcissist whenever they try to deflect or look them straight in the eye and tell them I am not the problem, it is you and then walk away. Otherwise, they will try to pull you into an argument that will leave you confused and emotionally drained. But above all, it is important to spot this type of manipulation and not allow a narcissist to put the blame on you. OK, that is it for today, but if you have any other deflection statements that a narcissist has used on you, please share them in the comment section below. I really enjoy reading the comments and seeing my viewers engage with one another.

Thank you for continuing reading, please don’t forget to share this article with your family and friends.


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