What Makes a Narcissist Unable To Sleep

Being unable to sleep can affect their partners. Some would even go out of their way to make sure that if they cannot sleep, no one else will either. They will busy themselves with activities to keep their partners awake or disturb their sleep. They may even choose to start arguments at times when normal people should be sleeping.

Then there are the covert narcissists who have no issues sleeping. Most of the time, these are the ones who have mastered controlling their thoughts at bedtime. They may end up going to bed early, leaving their partner to manage the kids and workload on their own. For example, I used to stay up late at night until 1:00 a.m. while he was snoring away. I was the one who ended up sleep-deprived, while he ensured he always got his much-needed eight hours of sleep. And if he wasn’t sleeping, he was occupying himself with what he wanted to do, which wasn’t much.

To recap, there are narcissists who don’t sleep well due to their overactive minds, but there are also those who do because they have mastered controlling their thoughts. However, what can make any of these narcissists unable to sleep or lose even more sleep? Well, there are three main reasons, and they all happen to covert narcissists quite a few times in their lives.

The first reason is when a narcissist feels threatened by someone or has incurred a narcissistic injury. Sleep is put on hold as they spend every waking hour, plus the hours they should be sleeping, plotting and scheming how to eliminate the threat or get revenge on the person who has offended them. This can go on for some time until they are happy that they have the person right where they want them.

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