What Happens When You Don’t Care What The Narcissist Thinks

The third thing you can do, which signifies that you do not care about the narcissist, is to take your attention away from them.

Let them realize that they are not a priority and that there are more important things you can do with your time. Narcissists are always trying to get attention. Whether it is through their high volume of social media posts, messages or calls, they want you to focus on them. They want you to interact with them, compliment them, pity them, or even argue with them. The narcissist will do anything for their narcissistic supply. And you’re ignoring them is a sign that you just do not care anymore.

The fourth thing you can do is implement some boundaries.

In order to maintain boundaries, you have to not care what the narcissist thinks or wants. Because boundaries are never accepted by narcissists. They always try to find a way to break them down, get you to lower them, or remove them completely. So, when you decide to implement boundaries, you must be consistent—no compromises or special treatment. That is the only way the narcissist will eventually get the message and move on.

The fifth thing that signifies you do not care or are not afraid is when you cut them off completely.

Severing all lines of communication and living as though they do not exist No contact is your chance to remove the narcissist from your life completely so that you don’t have to deal with their lies and manipulations anymore. It is a sign that you care more about your health, sanity, and safety than what the narcissist thinks of you. But to conclude: These are things we can do to make it clear to any narcissist that we do not care what they think and are not afraid of them. Living your life for a narcissist is never worth it. So, the sooner you can start protecting yourself by putting distance between you and the narcissist, the better. We cannot live in fear of what they might do to us. That is why the further away from them we are and the less they know about us, the better. And they are mostly known for their infamous smear campaigns. But the truth is that the narcissist will slander you regardless. So, it is better to be aware of that fact while giving them nothing than to do all you can for them only to be disappointed in the end. We have to constantly do what we can to keep toxic people at bay. So, whether you ignore them, set boundaries, avoid contact, tell them no, or call them out on their toxic behaviors, every bit helps. So, be encouraged, protect your peace, and stay strong.

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