What are weird habits of covert narcissist?

The saviour complex is another peculiar habit, where covert narcissists position themselves as the rescuer or hero in others’ lives. They are drawn to situations or relationships where they can ‘save’ someone, often with a hidden motive of fostering dependency or gratitude. While they may engage in helpful behaviors or acts of generosity, these are usually conditional, serving to reinforce their self-image as benevolent and indispensable.

This complex is a manipulative tactic that allows covert narcissists to maintain control over others, ensuring they are seen as altruistic and kind, even when their underlying motivations are self-serving. It creates an unhealthy dynamic where the covert narcissist’s assistance is always tied to their need for admiration and validation.

Envying Others Secretly

Finally, covert narcissists are prone to envying others secretly, harboring resentment towards those who succeed or exhibit qualities they desire. Unlike overt narcissists, who might openly belittle others’ achievements, covert narcissists stew in their envy silently, often adopting a facade of supportiveness. Internally, however, they feel slighted by others’ successes, leading them to undermine these achievements subtly or devalue the importance of qualities they cannot emulate.

This envy is corrosive, not only to the covert narcissist’s well-being but also to their relationships. It prevents genuine connections based on mutual respect and admiration, as the covert narcissist is always comparing, competing, and feeling resentful, often without the conscious awareness of those around them.


5 Weird Things a Narcissist Does when they hit Collapse

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