Unspoken Rules of the Narcissistic Family

The family’s dominant narcissist requires you to choose sides. Children and other family members are required and coerced to take the narcissist’s side. If you don’t, the threat of being abandoned or exiled is a real fear. When there is a breakup or a divorce, the malignant narcissist will require the children to take sides, forcing lies onto the children in order to elicit loyalty to the narcissist. Many times, children are successfully coerced into participating in horrible things against the targeted parent, and blackmail is used against them if they tell. Malignant narcissists abuse everyone in the family, and the children are no exception to this rule. The malignant narcissist is only concerned with what they want, satisfying their desires, and winning at all costs. Nothing is more important to a malignant narcissist than winning. and abusing the children in this manner to accomplish their goals is always used. Make no mistake, these people are child abusers.

The last rule is that your worth is dependent on the supply you give to the dominant narcissist.

Your worth and value are completely dependent on how much narcissistic supply you give to the dominant narcissist. If you do not supply the narcissist or do something that provides the narcissist with supply, you will be subjected to either outright abuse, ridicule, and scapegoating, or you will be ignored as if you do not exist. Nothing is more important than supplying the head narcissist with supplies; if you don’t, you have no value in this family.

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