Top 8 Strategies ALL Narcissists Use to Escape Accountability for Their Lies and Abuse

Next, a very common tactic that narcissists use to escape accountability is triangulation. This is where they will try to blame someone else, pit you against this other person, and hold that person responsible rather than holding the narcissist accountable. So now they wouldn’t have done what they did if it wasn’t for so-and-so, if they hadn’t gotten involved or caused the problem to begin with. It’s a very common tactic, so be aware and don’t fall for this one.

Finally, narcissists are famous for utilizing gaslighting to escape accountability. So now they may tell you that you’re crazy, they didn’t do what you were accusing them of doing, they have no idea what you’re talking about, and something is wrong with you for thinking they did this deed they are now accused of. Usually, they try to make you think that you are imagining things or just completely bad and crazy for even thinking they did what you are accusing them of doing. And this is incredibly dangerous for the victim when it works because, over time, when a victim is continually subjected to gaslighting, they will become more and more dependent on the narcissist’s interpretation of what happened rather than relying on their own eyes, their own ears, and their own perceptions and beliefs. In severe cases, it can actually make the victim believe that they are losing their minds and must indeed be crazy, like the narcissist is continually telling them that they are. If any of you have never seen the movie Gaslight, I encourage you to watch that movie for an in-depth understanding of the dangers of gaslighting.

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