Top 5 Abuse Tactics Used By The Female Narcissist

Number two: the female narcissist is famous for withholding love, affection, or sex in order to get you to comply with whatever it is she wants. Remember, the name of the game is power and control, and if you are in a relationship with someone you love, having her withhold love and affection can be devastating. Female narcissistic mothers often use this tactic on their own children. Again, she can go long periods of time withholding affection from you, far longer than people would imagine. One thing about the female narcissist is that if she decides to implement one of these abuse tactics, her commitment to the process seems limitless. I have had clients who have told me that their wives have gone months and months withholding love and affection. This form of abuse is incredibly cruel; it’s a powerful tool used to get the message to the victim that they are not worthy or deserving of their love and affection, and if they want it, they better succumb to their demands.

Number three: the female narcissist is notorious for utilizing guilt trips to get you in line with whatever it is she wants. Never underestimate the power that guilt has to keep you indebted or loyal to a narcissistic woman. It’s an incredibly powerful manipulation and abuse tactic that she has no problem exploiting. I have had many clients who have been in a relationship with a female narcissist that they do not want to be in, but they stay because she has convinced them that they owe her, or that she cannot survive without them. If you are a highly empathetic person, as nearly all targets of a narcissist will be, trust me: the narcissist is willing to manipulate and take advantage of those character traits indefinitely if you let them. Guilt is not love, and normal, healthy people would not want to be in a relationship with someone who only feels obligation and guilt towards them. Guilt is a powerful manipulation and abuse tactic, but because they have managed to make us pity them instead of being outright mean and abusive, many times we neglect to see how deceptive and manipulative this tactic really is.

“Number four: The female narcissist is really good at shaming, humiliating, or emasculating a victim to kick off a long devaluing cycle. This statement might be disguised as a joke, so if you are rightfully offended, she can say, ‘I was just joking.’ It could also be disguised as fake concern, a passive-aggressive put-down, or a triangulating comparison where she compares you to an old partner in a degrading and offensive manner. All narcissists tend to extract joy and happiness over their ability to humiliate or emasculate a victim. There is a Machiavellian part to this personality disorder that is sadistic, meaning they can gain pleasure in causing another person genuine suffering and pain, and nothing does that quite as well as shame and humiliation.

Top 10 Behaviors of the Female Malignant Narcissist

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