Top 5 Signs It’s Time to Leave the Narcissist

2. Their loyalty seems to be reserved for everyone but you: When the narcissist puts everyone before you and their priorities revolve around everyone else but you, it’s time to call it quits. Narcissists gain tons of narcissistic supply from triangulating other people, and unfortunately, they enjoy watching people who love them expect less and less from them while they expect more and more from you. However, when they finally fail to show you any loyalty, then chances are they have no intentions of spontaneously becoming loyal to you sometime in the future. When all forms of loyalty are gone, it’s time

 for you to be loyal to yourself and to your future and leave.

3. They are isolating you from your family and friends who love you: or God forbid, if they are alienating you from your own children, then it’s time to leave. Narcissists want to isolate you from other people because they don’t want you to have any other support system than them. They certainly don’t want anyone telling you that you’re being abused or treated terribly. So they will slowly start isolating you from the people in your life who care about you and care for you. They may try to get you to believe bad things about yourself, your family, and your friends in an effort to make you distrust them or pick sides. They may get angry anytime someone in your family is around, making you want to avoid them to not anger the narcissist. If they are trying to make your own children think badly of you or turn your own kids against you, understand that these things are going to get worse, and it is time for you to get away and stay away.

4. They consistently harass, badger, and blame you for everything: You have become the scapegoat and the dumping ground for everything that goes wrong. This is a huge indicator that it’s time to call it quits. The narcissist always has to have someone to blame for things that go wrong, and if you have become their full-time dumping ground, understand that this is a lifetime position you will be playing if you stay. If you are their one and only scapegoat, please don’t believe the things they call you and blame you for. It’s nothing more than projection, but it’s a very big indication that you need to leave.

5. They are threatening or controlling and use fear and intimidation to scare you into doing what they want: It is time to end the relationship permanently. Anyone who tries to control you with terror and fear, in my opinion, is at the point of no return. This is flat-out emotional and psychological abuse, and you need to understand that this is domestic violence. If a narcissist in your life is utilizing fear and intimidation to control you, and you are scared, please reach out to your local domestic violence shelter and have them help you come up with an escape plan. No one should have to live their life in fear. I know because I lived in fear for years. Please start planning your escape. Once they reach this point, it can become dangerously abusive. It is time to leave.

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