This Is What Silence Does To The Narcissist

Remember who:

And while we’re doing that, how about we remember who and what it is we’re dealing with when we’re talking about a conscienceless individual who lands on the spectrum of destructive narcissism? No matter how empathic you are, no matter what a good, devout Christian, Muslim, or Jew you may be, no matter how spiritual, well-intentioned, or highly empathic you are, these people do not understand kindness, sincerity, genuineness, or politeness for that matter. It doesn’t land. It doesn’t even put a dent in what’s going on with them.

So although I am all about coming from a place of love and compassion while carrying the highest frequencies that we can manage, of course we want to be positive, kind, loving, compassionate, sincere, and genuine, but in the realm of relationships with these empathy-impaired, highly manipulative, and destructive beyond belief deceptive individuals, remember who you’re dealing with.

Deceptive individuals:

How far has being kind, sincere, and polite gotten you with this type of individual so far? I’m guessing not very far. More likely, all it’s done in reality is put your hand up to volunteer for more mistreatment, scapegoating, abuse, slander, manipulation, control, toxic insanity, nonsense, chaos, and drama. In other words, more of the same is coming at you.

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