This Is What Silence Does To The Narcissist

In other words, you may have to tell me you’re dead. that stance repeatedly before they start taking you seriously and go find someone else to target. But I promise you this: treating a narcissist to a healthy dose of “I don’t even see you; you matter not an iota to me,” communicating that they are completely and utterly insignificant to you, is absolutely the fastest way to be rid of them.

And I know this is a tough thing for those of you who are still in people-pleasing, approval-seeking mode. I spent many years there myself, so I get it. Before doing our own healing and recovery work, this can be hard, in particular if we’re caught up in trying to get our needs met from outside of ourselves.

not least of which are people who do not have any validation or approval to give. people who are an emotional and energetic match to our unresolved wounding and trauma. And of course, as full-blown empaths, we want to be nice, kind, loving, and compassionate. But how about we pour some of that on ourselves first? How about we spend some time loving and respecting ourselves first? What if we were to do that first?

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