This Is What Silence Does To The Narcissist

Questions and communication:

cutting off their oxygen, so to speak. That, and figuring out how to do your own healing and recovery work so you don’t keep repeating this cycle. That is what gets the job done and changes the game for good. Here’s the thing: Few things are more powerful than treating a narcissist as if they are literally dead to you. Literally. They do not matter. They don’t even exist. You don’t see them. They’re not on your radar. You’re busy living your life and taking care of yourself. And you have no time, zero time, for this BS.

By depriving them of their narcissistic supply, they are forced to seek it elsewhere. And again, the good news about this is that they leave you in peace. Maybe not immediately, but certainly once they realize there is no longer anything to be had from you.

And the truth is, they may circle back for a period, and sometimes even after an extended period. You know, check back in to see if you’re suffering from codependent amnesia and whether or not they can worm their way back into your life and suck you back into the abuse cycle one more time.

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