This Is What Silence Does To The Narcissist

You’re a good target.

When they know they can affect you this way, you’re a good target. excellent source of narcissistic supply. And what ensues is fully vampiric behavior. Narcissists will poke, provoke, and deliberately bait you, whether that is passively or aggressively, in order to elicit an emotional reaction so they can then literally feed off of that negative emotional energy. They’ll go out of their way to manufacture an intense, high-voltage reaction if you let them, and then proceed to feed off of it just like a vampire or demonic entity would.

Suffice to say, your intense emotional reaction to their provocations or outright relationship crimes is what serves as a source of narcissistic supply. Again, they literally feed off of your negative emotions—negative emotions they themselves provoke with deliberate intent. So, just like the demons feed off the pain and suffering of the human race, and quite frankly, other sentient beings as well, destructive narcissists operate the very same way.

And there is a connection, friends. People who go through life deliberately committing serious relationship crimes, again, no matter how passively or aggressively that might be, going out of their way to provoke and bait you by causing you discomfort, harm, or serious pain while stirring up all manner of chaos, trauma, and drama so they can then literally siphon the vital life force energy from your very being, are not only displaying a destructive narcissist personality pattern through their astonishing sense of entitlement and lack of empathy, they do so because it serves them, sick as that might be.

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