Top 5 Things Narcissists WORRY About

They worry about being exposed for who they truly are.

In any way, they see any threat of exposure as a life and death situation that must be handled in the most aggressive way possible so that it does not go any further. For the majority of narcissists, their image is everything, so this worry is constantly on their minds. They are constantly trying to predict any possible exposure by any possible person, and they will start coming up with strategies to immediately stop the exposure before it happens or after so that they can feel safe again. Unfortunately, this means that many times, the narcissist can become dangerous to the person responsible for that threat of exposure or the actual exposure. Nothing is off-limits when this happens, absolutely nothing. They are capable of doing things to that person so vile, horrendous, and damaging that this person may never fully recuperate from that experience.


Narcissists worry obsessively about failing, and much like their fear of exposure, they will do anything to prevent failure in anything they do. For example, if you are competing with a narcissist for a job, they may trash-talk you to the person doing the hiring. If they are romantically interested in someone and there are other contenders, they may trash-talk the contender to the love interest while also trash-talking the love interest to the contender. I have seen this actually happen many times, especially when the narcissist knows the person. They may trash-talk and smear this person to their partner or spouse, leading to the destruction of marriages. The lies they tell usually have a little bit of truth to them, but the narcissist manipulates the narrative into something vile and disgusting. As I said before, there are no limits to what these people will do to avoid experiencing things they worry about.

Public humiliation.

This is a big one for narcissists. They need constant and continual streams of narcissistic supply and need to believe at all times that they are the smartest, prettiest, or wealthiest person in the room. When something happens that publicly humiliates them, they are stricken with terror and immediately think of ways to get revenge against the person responsible. They won’t let on that they are humiliated, but deep down, they are seething with anger and rage, thinking “How dare you or this entity humiliate me!” It consumes them, and they will definitely take actions at some point to make the responsible party pay for what they did. When a narcissist has any offense committed against them, no matter how insignificant, intentional or not, they will drastically take action that is way out of proportion to the actual humiliation or offense against them.

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