The 15 Signs You’re Emotionally Mature

13. You see compromise as a strength, not a weakness

Will Smith has a great analogy for unconditional love: “I think that the real paradigm for love is ‘Gardener-Flower.’ The relationship that a gardener has with a flower is the gardener wants the flower to be what the flower is designed to be, not what the gardener wants the flower to be.”

There is no such thing as a problem-free life. Sometimes, the only way to move forward together is to settle on a different path than either party would have chosen on their own. This is not weakness. It’s a sign of growing up.

14. You appreciate people’s imperfections as part of a larger balance

When you stop looking at life solely in ideals and absolutes, you can begin to appreciate what’s actually there. You’ll start to see the yin and the yang in every situation.

Maybe your partner is stubborn, but he’s also strong. Maybe your friend is emotional but also empathetic. What about you? Each imperfection reflects a strength. Value the balance so we can all move forward together.

15. You settle for “good enough” and celebrate the little things

When he asked the waiter in his favorite tapas bar how he’d remained so cheerful over the ten years he’d known him,

Michael Thompson

 got the following response: “There is no reason to be angry.”

No matter if you entertain millions or slide potatoes across the table, “good enough” is always available if you choose it. Perfection doesn’t exist, and even what’s frustrating can be all you need today.

Celebrate the little things. Buy a Snickers. Tip the waiter. Have some tea. Be grateful that you’re not sick or in a court room and that the sun decided to shine for you today. There is no reason to be angry.

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