The 15 Signs You’re Emotionally Mature

9. You realize there’s no time for passive-aggressive behavior

Life is short. It’ll be over way too soon. There’s no time for bottling up negative emotions. When something stings, try to pull out the thorn immediately. Tell people where it hurts. Help them help you.

The faster you can go from pain to processing, from feeling to sharing, the faster you’ll alleviate your own and other people’s suffering.

10. You remember your problems won’t matter as much tomorrow

Tomorrow can be good, but today is just a day. One in a sea of sunrises, each of which brings its own problems but also washes some of yesterday’s away.

Presence is great when we use it to remember our smallness. Make tiny choices today. Fix something small. Take a walk. Get away from the big picture. Tomorrow will be a new day.

11. You draw patience and calmness from cautious idealism

Idealists move the world forward — but only if their feet are planted firmly on the ground. Mature people believe in a good future, but they don’t force that future to arrive immediately.

Always double-check your high hopes. What failures can you account for in advance? Expecting setbacks will give you more emotional bandwidth to accept them, stay patient, and try again in a calm and composed manner.

12. You bring a healthy dose of skepticism to your relationships

There’s a difference between being good-natured and being gullible. Yes, you should believe in the best of people and hand out many trust advances, but, sometimes, even good intentions lead down a muddy road.

No single person will solve all your problems. Everyone carries their own baggage, no matter how polished they look on the outside. Be grateful for the good relationships you have, and be suspicious not just of your impulses towards other people but also those towards yourself.

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