The Progressive Deterioration of the Narcissist

You soon realize that Narcissists do not mature; they just get older. Their physical appearance may change, but their evil character remains. They never learn to appreciate people and the simple things in life. They become more hateful and spiteful because they never try to forgive or forget. So, they are filled with resentment and bitterness to the end. The Narcissist deteriorates on many levels. As they get older, even the Covert Narcissist masks start to show cracks. It becomes difficult for them to control their negativity, and more people distance themselves from them. Their health diminishes, their relationships diminish, and their grip on reality diminishes also, while the darkness within them grows. Therefore, to the very end, the Narcissist still cannot take accountability. They still cannot love anyone, and they come to the end still not knowing what it is to be happy.

Their Delusions:

Another major thing that occurs is that the Narcissist becomes more delusional. Yes, Narcissists are liars, and they are delusional throughout their life. But as they get older, they seem to tip more on the delusional side; let me explain. Lying is where the Narcissist provides intentional false or misleading information. They know they are lying. They know when they are trying to be deceptive. Whereas delusions come from an altered perception of reality. For example, after years of playing the victim, the Narcissist believes wholeheartedly that they are indeed the victim. Narcissists always try to adjust reality to fit their own desires. In their mind, they turn things upside down to justify their behaviors and criminalize everyone else. And as they get older, they start believing their lies more and more. Despite whatever evidence may be put before them, the only things that are true to the Narcissist are what exist in their mind. The way they remember past events or occurrences has been shifted to fit the delusions of the Narcissist. Therefore, there is no reasoning with them. There is no point hoping that the Narcissist will take accountability someday or that they will finally validate you. As I said before, the Narcissist only gets older, not wiser and not better.

When The Victims Suffer More Than The Narcissist:

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