The ONLY Way To Get Closure From A Narcissist

Next, we have triangulation. When a narcissist triangulates you, they’re essentially saying that someone else is worth more than you. This happens frequently in families with a narcissistic parent who triangulates their children, designating one as the golden child and the other as the scapegoat. It can also occur in romantic relationships or at work, where your partner or colleague elevates someone else above you. Whether it’s an ex or a friend with whom they have an inappropriate relationship, the message is the same: someone else is worth more than you. Again, it’s crucial to recognize that this is not true. Consider if someone actually said that to you—would you want that person in your life? Would you allow them to speak to you again?

Let’s talk about breadcrumbing after a discard. If a narcissist has discarded you but continues to send occasional messages, perhaps even flirting, making it seem like they want a relationship but are not committing to anything, the translation for breadcrumbing is, “I’ve made it clear that I don’t want to be with you, but I want to keep you as a last resort. If someone said these words to you, what would you do? Would you block their number and slam the door in their face? Would it provide the closure you need?

Another common behavior is ghosting, which is not exclusive to narcissists but has become common in today’s dating culture. When a narcissist ghosts you, they’re essentially saying, “I think so little of you that I won’t even give you an explanation. It’s not worth my time. I’ll just block you from everything and move on with my life. Your feelings mean absolutely nothing to me. A similar behavior is the discard, which can be done as ghosting or in a blunt, brutal manner. The translation for discard is, “I think so little of you that I’m willing to cut you out of my life, regardless of our history or relationship. You’ll never hear from me again unless you do something to change that. Not all narcissists hoover, but many do. The hoover after a discard translates to, “I’m using you to fill a void, and I’ll keep using you until something better comes along or until I get bored. I’ll probably continue this as long as you allow it. If someone were to honestly express these sentiments to you, it would likely provide the closure you need to move on.

Does The Narcissist Secretly Wish You Come Back To Them

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