The Narcissist Uses This To Get What They Want

Outsiders may perceive the narcissist as charming, well-spoken, or articulate. They can give you an answer at the drop of a hat. They are quick on their feet when it comes to spitting the right words at the right time to the right people. It’s a skill that can be beneficial, but, with narcissists, they use it for all the wrong reasons. And it’s usually to rid themselves of blame or manipulate others into trusting them.

The narcissist’s tongue is filled with poison, so even if what they are saying seems to be good, it is not. Narcissists seem to know the effect that they can have on people when they are given permission to speak, and that is why they are drawn to being public speakers or motivational speakers, gurus, or pastors, those kinds of authoritative positions where they can influence people. Because they seem to know that if they can get someone to listen to them, then they have a chance to win them over and gain power over them. But any narcissist can do it and do it on a daily basis with everyone around them.

This is how they turn people against us. This is how they win friends and influence people; by simply using their gift of gab, they talk their way into people’s lives, pretending to be something they are not. And the more you listen to a narcissist speak and entertain their fallacies, the more you are opening yourself up to being entranced. Because it appears that the narcissist can not only charm but also cast a spell on others. When they want to, they can speak words that are soothing to your ears and make you put your defenses down.

The other troubling thing is that narcissists enjoy the challenge of persuasion. It’s a major power trip for narcissists when they are able to persuade people. It increases their confidence, boosts their ego, etc. So, they don’t give up easily. Once they have a listening ear, they will be very persistent in getting what they want. So, no small amount of resistance is going to deter the narcissist.

A very wonderful book: Will I Ever Be Good Enough?: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers 

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