Only a Super Empath Can Destroy A Narcissist, Here’s How

Number four empaths have cognitive and affective empathy.

Unlike narcissists, who have major impairments in their affective empathy but can still manage some cognitive empathy, their counterparts have both. Super empaths can use their previous experiences with them, where they sensed true vulnerability, to their advantage. Along with that, they can also feel when their emotions begin to move from cool and collected, and when they’re about to crack with rage or shame. Although it’s rare for an empath, let alone a super empath, to use their empathy manipulatively, it’s the only thing that really stumps a narcissist because it’s one thing they’ll always lack.

 Number five super empaths are unsuspecting.

As we already mentioned, empaths and super empaths give off a naive innocence that makes them appear as if they’ll be easy prey for the narcissist. It’s likely the narcissist walks into the relationship assuming they will be the one to destroy the empath, regardless of if it’s deserved. However, empaths don’t like to be wronged by others. They’re kind, nurturing, and forgiving until someone crosses them. Then they’re unafraid to make sure some justice is made, usually by acting in the same manner as they did.

After all, they learned from the best. Super empaths are honest and frank. They don’t like to beat around the bush and won’t play the games the narcissist wants to play. When the narcissist threatens to ruin the empath’s reputation by sharing secrets to keep them dependent, the super empath will share their secrets first. Although empaths feel shame and guilt, they will take the narcissist’s power away at every opportunity.

And that will destroy the narcissist. And that’s a wrap. What did you think of this list? Do you think a super empath is able to destroy a narcissist? Did we forget anything?

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