10 Reasons Why Narcissists Will Come Back To You

They want to know if they can still manipulate you.

Narcissists will come back after you because they want to know whether or not they can still manipulate you. Narcissists are incredibly manipulative and often do whatever it takes to get what they want. They’re not sure how far they can push you, and narcissists wish to know how much power they still have over you. You might think that the narcissist has left you for good after a breakup, but they’re still keeping tabs on you. Narcissists like to play games, and they especially love to play games with people they feel they can control. They want to know if you’d do anything for them even after you’ve broken up.

They want someone to blame for their shortcomings and failures.

Narcissists will come back after you because they want someone to blame for their shortcomings and failures. They’re looking for someone to lash out at, and if you’re the one who left them, you’re an easy target. Narcissists will never take responsibility for anything, so it’s always easier for them to blame someone else. The more they can make you feel guilty, the less likely they’ll have to look at themselves in the mirror and admit that they have made mistakes.

Narcissists will come back after you because you’re the perfect person for them to blame for their unhappiness. It’s your fault they had no friends. It’s your fault they couldn’t hold down a job. It’s your fault they didn’t have any other options. They will always blame others for not giving them what they want instead of taking responsibility for their own lives. If your narcissistic ex comes back to you, it’s likely because they want something from you. Narcissists don’t come back because they miss you, they come back because of their needs. Don’t give in and be trapped again in their chaotic world. Knowing that you deserve better can be the catalyst that allows you to break free from them, no matter how many times they try to come back at you.

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