10 Reasons Why Narcissists Will Come Back To You

Narcissists think you owe them something.

Narcissists will come back after you because they think you owe them something. They’ll try to make you feel like a jerk for wanting to end the relationship even though they’ve treated you like garbage. Narcissists can be good at making you feel guilty, so you mustn’t fall into their traps. Narcissists feel they have a right to your time and energy, so if you don’t give it to them, they’ll try to get it from you. They may act like they did something for you or helped you out and then expect to be rewarded with some kind of commitment again from you. Don’t just let them get under your skin. You can get out of this relationship and move on with your life without feeling guilty about it. You’re not obligated to stay in an unhealthy relationship just because someone else wants you to.

Narcissists are bored and lonely.

Boredom and loneliness are the two most common reasons narcissists come back after you. When they don’t have anyone to feed their ego or play games with, narcissists can become bored and lonely, and they may try to reintroduce you into their lives in order to feel better about themselves. Narcissists have a strong need for attention, so when they do not receive it from their new partner, they become irritated.They often look for it again in you. Narcissists are very emotionally immature people who have never learned how to form healthy relationships or even trust other people.

Narcissists want to see if you’ll chase them.

Narcissists will come back after you because they want to see if you’ll chase them. They might also do this if they’ve broken up with someone else and want to see who will come back first. Narcissists are known for their ability to make you feel like you have no other option but to chase them. They’ll do things like disappear and then show up at your house in the middle of the night, or they’ll make some sort of grand gesture that makes it seem like they’re trying to win you back. Narcissists want to be chased, so by not chasing them, you’re essentially saying I don’t care about you. This will make them return because they want to know: Do you care about me? Do you think I’m important in this way? The narcissist can play on your emotions and make you feel guilty, or at least guilty enough to chase after them.

10 Reasons Why Narcissists Avoid Kissing their Partners

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