Narcissist’s Sneaky Tactics to Insult You

Today, I have four underhanded tactics used by narcissists, subtle manipulation tactics used by narcissists to harm you. These are not the usual tactics such as triangulation, silent treatments, mirroring, ghosting, etc. Today’s tactics are more slippery or sneakier, and the first one is weaponizing humor

Weaponizing humor.

Narcissists use humor as a weapon; a good sense of humor is a positive trait and a well-needed ingredient for a happy, healthy relationship. Having a few inside jokes can create a bonding experience and ease tension in difficult situations. But narcissists use humor as a weapon; it is their way of insulting you with a smile, and their hurtful remarks may quickly be followed by “I was just kidding” or “it was all in good sport.” But it is not; the narcissist wants to get away with insulting you. And when you fail to see the humor in their remarks, they try to paint you as the bad guy or the prude who is so uptight. The narcissists can use their toxic humor privately, meaning one-on-one, or they can do it in a group setting to humiliate you. Very close to their toxic

I like you but…

Humor are their backhanded compliments. This is where the narcissist begins to say something nice but ends it with an insult. For example, they may say, “I like your hairstyle as it makes your nose look smaller,” or that they really like your outfit as their grandmother has the same. Their backhanded compliments leave you thinking, “What exactly are they trying to say?” But their backhanded compliments are meant to devalue you and leave you feeling very insecure.

Avoid Making These 6 Mistakes Around the Narcissist

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