Narcissist’s Favorite Sayings

This is called a narcissistic faux apology. If you want to know more about whether a narcissist actually apologizes or means it if they do, make sure you check out my article on does a narcissist apologize and if they do, do they mean it, because I talk much more about the narcissistic faux apology and what’s going on when narcissists actually apologize. But a lot of times, what you’ll hear is, I’m sorry; I couldn’t be perfect for you. I’m sorry that you feel that way. I’m sorry, it didn’t go the way you wanted to exactly. I’m sorry, I couldn’t be exactly what I wanted—something like that. That’s not really an apology. It’s actually a manipulation, again turning it back onto you because now you’re the one who goes, “No, I didn’t mean that you’re not perfect. No, I didn’t mean that  you So now here you are, again, assuaging their ego back on them, back onto their ego. Get that focus off of whatever it is that you want. Let’s get back to what we need to do to give them narcissistic supplies.

The next thing they say is, You made me.

How narcissists make everything their fault

You made me cheat on you. You made me act irresponsibly. You made me have to move out. You made me have to lose my job. Whatever bad thing is going on that they did, it’s your fault. You did it. You made me. If you had been better, if you had been less, if you had been more, if you had been whatever, you made it happen; it’s all your fault. It’s definitely all on your shoulders that this happened, including cheating on you, not making enough money, or whatever it is that you may have an issue with them about.

The last one that I have for you today is that you’re the only one who thinks that.

How do narcissists make you feel weird?

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