Narcissist’s Favorite Sayings

So, for example, just because I didn’t do what you said when you wanted me to. This is a form of narcissistic manipulation. They’re basically trying to make you feel guilty, like, oh, just because they didn’t do it exactly the way you wanted or just because I didn’t do it exactly when you wanted to. Trying to make you feel like you’re the controlling one, trying to make you feel like you’re the one who has the issue, like maybe you’re the uptight one and you don’t want to be an uptight person. So you pull back, saying, “Well, I didn’t mean that you had to do it right now,” or “I didn’t mean that you didn’t do it well enough,” or whatever. So now you’re suddenly apologizing, which is exactly what they want, because they want to turn it back on you. They aren’t the ones with the problem. It’s you. You’re the one with the problem. That’s their projection of whatever their issues are; they have to be projected back onto you.

Number three is, What about your issues?

Turning issues on others

So, when you try to say, “Hey, you didn’t take out the trash,” or “You didn’t pick up the kids on time,” or “You said that you would make dinner and you didn’t,” or whatever, some kind of thing, you didn’t pay the bill and you said you were going to pay it. When you’re pointing out something to them that they did or didn’t do, and then they turn around and say, “Yeah, but you also have this,” or “You said this before,” or “It’s okay, because you’ve done that.” So just turn it around and basically say, “Hey, because you’ve done it before,” or “Because you have that issue.” Let’s not talk about me and my problem. Let’s certainly not make me take responsibility for anything, including my behavior, because let’s talk about you and your problems. If this all sounds super familiar to you, give me a detailed explanation in the comments.

The next one is, I’m sorry, what more do you want from me?

Fake apologies used by narcissists

Continue reading on the next page

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