This Is Why Narcissists Eventually Self Destruct

But since they won’t own up to it, know that the narcissist’s damage is all on them, and they’ll have to deal with the fallout on their own. Meanwhile, work on becoming a more well-rounded individual who embodies the values of love, peace, and justice. Rather than trying to improve upon the destructive narcissist, the goal should be to perfect oneself.

Before we end today’s article, let’s summarize a little. Narcissists have an inflated feeling of self-importance and believe others owe them something. In many cases, however, these characteristics also lead to their own disruption. Someone who presents an air of superiority and omnipotence may, in reality, be hiding a fragile ego and a crippling fear of being exposed. They destroy themselves because they have to control everything and everyone around them.

Narcissists have a poor ability to take constructive feedback; they think only they are capable of good judgment, therefore disregarding everyone who disagrees with them. They use seed and coercion to impose their ideals

 on others and refuse to acknowledge the validity of others’ points of view due to their inability to look outside of themselves. They will fail.

Narcissists tend to destroy relationships and attribute problems to others. They are unable to communicate openly and often resort to arguments or passive-hostile conduct. Instead, they destroy themselves through this repeated cycle of action—substance misuse, the desire for acceptance, and a fixation on material success—all contributing factors to their downfall.

Their failure to take ownership of their conduct and carelessness with regard to the future are common causes of their detrimental patterns of behavior.

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