This Is Why Narcissists Eventually Self Destruct

They are self-centered, focusing only on their immediate demands and needs while dismissing any potential negative outcomes. Instead of accepting responsibility for their actions, they are quick to place the blame on others. Substance abuse, relationships with others, the need for approval, the pursuit of wealth, or the need for recognition and admiration from others are all addictions that contribute to their demise.

Their dependence on authoritarianism is also telling. They like dominance games but are oblivious to the fact that other individuals resent being bullied or treated rudely. The self-destructive narcissist is certain that their way is the only way, and as a result, they are quick to offer uninformed commentary. They struggle with critical thinking and may try to avoid responsibility by engaging in mindless behaviors like staring at a screen. They are completely oblivious to the consequences of their behavior; this illustrates their incapacity for social interaction and their need for obedience to authority.

Their inability to harmonize and their arrogance both contribute to their demise, but they can’t see this connection between the two. Avoiding damaging responses is crucial if you want to avoid sliding into a self-destructive routine in response to a narcissist. Your chances of falling into the trap established by the self-destructive narcissist increase as you dwell on and intensify negative feelings like hate, rage, disdain, and bitterness.

Keeping your distance and making it clear that you won’t be going down that road with that individual is the best way to deal with their harmful conduct. If the narcissists were honest, they would admit that their outward persona is really a mask for their true feelings of worthlessness. They’d be the first to acknowledge they’ve never learned to manage relationships rationally and instead spent their time moaning and groaning instead of bettering themselves.

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