What is narcissistic abuse?

Yes, your unsettled. but you’re sure things just hit a rough patch and your beautiful life will get back on track.

There are a few things your beloved frowns on about you, but you’re working on them and their shiny love will be yours again.

Your perceptions of reality blur as you try to see things their way. You don’t think things are quite the way they are being presented, but going along with it, repeatedly, has proven to be the path of least resistance. Your sure your loved, so all of this must be in your best interest.

Your beloved wouldn’t hurt you, but you hurt. It’s just a misuderstanding. You motivations are on track, love will blossom, Just accept that your perceptions are off, over look this it’s not normal behavior from your beloved. Keep improving yourself, refuse to be a weak link in the relationship, the warm glowing approval you got addicted to will return.

Things still seem to be off track. You have worked so hard to make the changes needed to please the one you love. But approval never comes. It’s painful and you have despaired, but it’s worth it , right? All this will pass. Things will work out. You must put more of yourself into it.

Yet there it is, you are the problem, your issues are screwing paradise up. You feel it being packed up and put away. You try to fit into the mold cast for you but some how always fail. The bar is always being raised.

You whole life could change, uplifted with just an approving nod, or kind word, validation that used to flow like water that now never comes.

You are starting to live life through their eyes, your opinion of yourself has taken second place. With growing importance their opinion of you makes or breaks your day. Approval from them, the little acts of kindness they occasionally throw your way have become a addiction without you realizing it. You are willing to endure a lot of sketchy shit waiting for these tidbits of love that makes your day.

Despite all your efforts, you are not generally allowed to feel good about yourself or the relationship.

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