Most Powerful Way to Know a Narcissist’s True Intentions

I will never want you to have any form of personality or identity because to me, you are an extension, which is why I will pressure you to perform better, which is why I will shame you if you do not match those standards and goals. I would want you to look a certain way because after all, you represent me; you’re nothing but a reflection that was only created to serve me. Do you see how crazy, note this down, and twisted things are when it comes to a narcissist’s mind? They don’t think like you; they do not process things like you do. Everything is personalized and made about their false self; it is about what they are getting out of it, it’s about how it is reflecting on them, and so on.

Which is why my suggestion is to tattoo this phrase on your arm or somewhere, just write it down: the opposite is the truth. Whatever they tell you, the opposite is the truth. Every time you hear something from them, find out what that opposite is. ‘I love you’ means ‘I hate you,’ ‘I want to use you’ means ‘I want to fool you,’ ‘I hate you’ means ‘I hate myself.’ ‘I hate the fact that I can’t have control over you.’ Everything has its opposite, and that is where the answer lies.

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