Manipulate a Narcissist (The way to Ethically Manipulate the Manipulator)

Act like you really, really want something else. Because that way, if you end up giving up on it, then the narcissist thinks they got to you. So remember that when you’re doing this little game with a narcissist which unfortunately you have to play this game because that’s who they are, you’re never going to win by having them know you won in a certain way. Because they’ll just keep pushing, pushing, pushing.

They’ll keep fighting because as long as they feel that there’s some amount of supply to be had from you, then they will continue to come back to get it, even if it’s just scraping the bottom of the peanut butter jar. That’s how much narcissistic supply there is left to get from you.

They’re coming back for it. Because they are predators. They want to come, as much as there’s still some kind of food, some kind of something that they can get out of this situation. The only way that you will end up getting them to stop is by letting them know that there’s no more supply to be had from you. So when you come to negotiate with them, be fully prepared. Keep your emotions out of it. Your mindset has to be super strong.

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