How to Know if a Narcissist Is Done with You

They want to manipulate, confound, and destroy you.

When someone confuses you by lying or denying reality, it is known as gaslighting. For instance, they can try to get you to doubt your recollection or understanding of what happened. Early in a relationship, gaslighting conduct typically begins, and it tends to intensify toward the end. Typical methods of gaslighting include:

They use “tone policing” to discredit your emotions by telling you that you’re being overly emotional or to calm down. You’re exaggerating the situation, for instance.

Blocking and diverting cause you to doubt your memory and your abilities. It’s all in your head, they say, or “You’re insane, that never happened.”

Everything you say is ignored.

Stonewalling is a tactic used by narcissists to diminish you. A narcissist wants you to feel unworthy at the conclusion of their cycle of abuse. They’ll ignore your comments and dodge your inquiries until you start to feel invisible. They may be preparing to end the relationship if it looks like they are stonewalling you constantly. Even while they are still present, they will obviously ignore any attempts at communication.

All contact has halted.

A narcissist rarely has the courage to confront you after discarding you. When the relationship ends, they won’t face you and give you closure; instead, they’ll deny your access to them and think you’ll understand. They’ll refuse to answer your calls, disregard your texts, stop following you on social media, and do anything else they can to make it seem like you don’t exist.

Even if it hurts and you don’t deserve any of it, the cycle is finally done. It’s critical to resist letting this individual reenter your life.

They might try to wheedle their way back into your good graces, but that will simply allow them to continue the abusive cycle. Do not respond if they contact you.

When Will a Narcissist Leave You?

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